Monday, November 29, 2010

Senior Projecto :)*

OK, so my name is Essence Money and this blog is about my Senior Project. What is "Senior Project" you ask? Senior Project is a class we have that allows students to venture out and pursue a "project" of their choice. My project, if you couldn't tell already, is baking...or being a Pastry Chef. Baking is something I've enjoyed since I was younger, my first experience coming from baking cookies for Santa Claus. My love for baking has grown ever since. However, after all these years of baking I still refer to the back of the box so I don't consider myself to be the best baker no matter how highly reccommended I am. Through this class I hope to further my knowledge in baking - so far, I'm successful in doing just that. :)


  1. Now you're "back of the box." One day you'll do baking off the "top of your head!"

  2. I think you can make some serious money baking(no pun intended). I also enjoy baking, and I bet I can teach you a little something.

  3. @shaq17 - I'm open to any suggestions !
