Yes, it’s true – I was not able to make it to visit the puffery this time. Why not? Well, incase you’re not an advocate reader of my blogs and didn’t know that Thursday night was the opening night of my school’s production of “Suessical the Musical”.
As the Sour Kangaroo, this was my first and last leading role in my high school career. This also was one the best times of my life. Through this production I became closer to people I never talked to before, gained friends as well as confidence. While talking with my co-stars Kyle Thompson and Luis Polanco, who both played the Cat in the Hat, we came to the conclusion that theatre is totally different than being a part of a sport’s team. In sports you kind of have to compete to get the top spot whereas with theatre everybody is one big family, supporting each other through the good and bad times. This, of course, helps in the long run – especially when it comes down to the wire and you are all stressed trying to prepare for the premiere of the show. I must say, if it wasn’t for the cast and crew of Suessical having my back the way they did, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go through the show. I recommend to all the underclassmen to get involved in theatre at least one time in their lives to understand where I’m coming from. Who knows? It could possibly change your perspective on life, on people, everything like it did for me.
It is so true that theater and sports are different. With theater, you don't have to worry about crushing another team